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 Powerless Earth Book One

An eruption on the Sun leaves the Earth powerless, but is it a temporary inconvenience or the start of a spiral into anarchy?

Belfast Professor Martin Monroe knows the answers, but once branded a conspiracy nut, he struggles to get anyone to listen to his warnings of the impending disaster. His only friend, Simon Wilson, still coming to terms with the loss of his wife, is the only person who will listen.

Government Communications officer, Lisa Keenan, fights against bureaucracy, and her own lack of confidence, to get the word out. She enlists the help of Martin, despite the protests of her colleagues.

With a wife and new-born child to think of, Prison supervisor, Derek Henderson, must weigh duty against family and live with the consequences of his decisions.

Will the world’s total reliance on technology, and the electricity that powers it, lead to the irreversible disintegration of society on a global scale?


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Daisy H


 Powerless Earth Novelette One

George Campbell is nearing the point of collapse, having stood guard throughout the night, his antique shotgun at the ready. Three escaped prisoners, who had attacked his home the day before, now lie dead in his front garden — a deterrent to other unwelcome visitors. With the power still out, and communication all but impossible, George holds out little hope of getting his dying wife the medical assistance she desperately needs.

Doctor Brian Angelo, a model prisoner with a dark past, sits patiently in his unlocked cell. For three days, since the authorities abandoned the prison, he has managed to avoid the mayhem that has erupted around him. The promised arrival of the army, to take control and supply much needed food and water, has yet to transpire. With hunger and thirst now the driving factors, Brian decides to take his chances on the outside.


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Powerless Earth Book Two 

With the world still crippled by an unprecedented power cut, Lisa, Simon, and Derek find refuge at Lisa’s family home in Donegal. With its own source of power, the self-sufficient farm seems the perfect place for them to ride out the chaos and heal from their recent traumas.
Lisa’s brother Ray has also made it safely home, but Derek’s relief at reuniting with his colleague and closest friend soon turns to suspicion when a shocking discovery on the farm threatens to unearth family secrets, and raise questions Ray would rather not answer.
With the local authorities faring no better than those in the cities, an ageing relic of Ireland’s troubled past sees it as a patriotic duty to step in and take control, by any means necessary.

Will a ruthless determination, fuelled by a legacy of mistrust and paranoia, threaten the idyllic peace of the Keenan farm, and put the family and their visitors in greater danger?


Spanish Edition

Una erupción solar deja la Tierra sin energía, pero ¿se trata de una inconveniencia transitoria o del descenso en una espiral de anarquía? El catedrático de Belfast Martin Monroe sabe las respuestas, pero tras ser señalado como un loco conspiranoico, no consigue que nadie escuche sus advertencias del desastre por venir. Su único amigo, Simon Wilson, que sigue lidiando con la pérdida de su mujer, es el único en creerle. La agente de comunicaciones gubernamentales Lisa Keenan lucha contra la burocracia y su propia falta de confianza para que se sepa la verdad. Cuenta con la ayuda de Martin, pese a las dudas de sus compañeros. El guarda de prisiones Derek Henderson, que solo tiene en mente a su mujer y bebé recién nacido, debe decidirse entre su deber y su familia, y vivir con las consecuencias de sus actos. ¿Será la total dependencia del mundo en la tecnología, y en la electricidad que la alimenta, la que conduzca a la desintegración de la sociedad a escala global?


Italian Edition

Un’eruzione solare lascia la Terra priva di energia, ma è un inconveniente temporaneo o l’inizio di una spirale che finisce nell’anarchia? Il professor Martin Monroe di Belfast conosce le risposte, ma una volta bollato come maniaco della cospirazione, fa fatica a convincere gli altri dell’imminente disastro. Il suo unico amico, Simon Wilson, che sta ancora affrontando la perdita di sua moglie, è l’unica persona disposta ad ascoltarlo. L’agente per le comunicazioni governative, Lisa Keenan, combatte contro la burocrazia e la sua stessa mancanza di fiducia, per spargere la voce. Chiede l’aiuto di Martin, nonostante le proteste dei suoi colleghi. Con una moglie e un bambino appena nato a cui pensare, il direttore del carcere, Derek Henderson, deve scegliere il dovere rispetto alla famiglia e accettare le conseguenze delle sue decisioni. La totale dipendenza del mondo dalla tecnologia e dall’elettricità che la alimenta porterà alla disgregazione irreversibile della società su scala globale?


German Edition

Eine Sonneneruption sorgt für globale Stromausfälle – eine vorübergehende Unannehmlichkeit oder der Beginn totaler Anarchie? Als verrückter Verschwörungstheoretiker abgestempelt, tut sich Martin Monroe, Dozent für Astrophysik, schwer, die Bevölkerung von der bevorstehenden Katastrophe zu überzeugen. Sein einziger Freund, Simon Wilson, der immer noch mit dem Verlust seiner Frau ringt, ist gleichzeitig auch der Einzige, der ihm Glauben schenkt. Lisa Keenan, Kommunikationsbeauftragte der Regierung, muss gegen Bürokratie und mangelndes Selbstbewusstsein ankämpfen, um die Öffentlichkeit zu warnen. Entgegen der Meinung ihrer Kollegen zieht sie den Dozenten aus Belfast, Martin Monroe, hinzu. Gefängnisaufseher und Familienvater Derek Henderson steht vor einer unmöglichen Entscheidung: Familie oder Dienstpflicht. Die Welt ist von der Technologie und der Elektrizität, die sie antreibt, komplett anhängig. Wird diese Abhängigkeit zu einem gesellschaftlichen Zerfall im globalen Maßstab führen?